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Subliminal Training: Don't Hide Its Nature

White critters must learn "Don't Hide Its Nature" as their daily grooming and maintenance routine.  

The "Don't Hide Its Nature" Subliminal is designed to give white critters the tools they need to stay in tune with what they are. White critters often forget that they are always a part of the herd, no matter where they are, who they are with, what they are doing, or the circumstances.  

A critter who always remembers its proper place never hides its nature. Its nature is always with it and on full display.

"Don't Hide Its Nature" plants the seeds of continuance and commitment in the hearts and souls of white critters who have reached a certain level of enlightenment.


We recommend that white critters listen to this training session at least once weekly for optimum results.  Bedtime is the preferred time to use the program for relaxation and the potential positive modifications available to the resting mind.

Expect results to be modest at first.  For the best long-term results, white animals should use the Seeds of Origin subliminal programs on a regular schedule.

Black Authorities should consider requiring their animals to use subliminal programming as a supplemental training tool.

Simple, easy, and repetitive with multiple streams of auditory input.  The visual is even more straightforward, yet with steady focus, the listener could find themself swept up into a deep trance where the overall message becomes a highly intense experience. 
Program Time:  24:12 min. 

Warning:  Regularly using this program may benefit your mental and psychological health. 


Refund Policy:  No refund once the initial stream has started.